Transport services, freight forwarding
special transport |
logistics services |
our fleet |
- we provide regular transport services within the entire Europe, including former member states of the Russian Commonwealth and the Balkans
- we specialize in Italy, Germany, and Austria
- we do not transport only full loads, but offer our customers transporting also small and very small shipments
- the majority of our vehicles are equipped with navigation and GPS systems allowing on-line monitoring giving us full control over the goods until they reach the final destination
- our transport supervisors can communicate in German, English, Italian, Hungarian, and Polish which makes them capable of sorting any loading or unloading issues directly with your foreign partners
- we have a native speaker in our team for contact with German speaking countries
- we are a member of several international databases and use the services of our foreign partners to eliminate dead mileage, which allows us to offer our customers favourable prices on top of high quality service